Some know them as unmanned aerial vehicles and others refer to them as drones. Like it or not, drones are here to stay – but with that they are bringing many life-saving opportunities. One of these benefits is made possible with what we know as medical drones.
The healthcare has always been developing. Nowadays, we have machinery of all kinds and types – and tons of healing methods that have become sophisticated and (in some cases) painless. However, what medicine could never tackle is time.
If you think about it, time is what is most crucial in healing. Whether it’s a natural disaster, a traffic accident, a heart attack or an organ transplant, time is what remains a challenge and is something that needs a better solution.
In 2018, it looks like we have a solution for time in healthcare. It is coming in the shape of drones which will fly the extra mile and deliver drugs, vaccines, blood and even organs. The name of these drones is medical drones – and the opportunities under them are pretty impressive.
Source: Zipline
From amusement parks to skiing resorts, cities and even oceans, mobile drones are here to save lives in all areas which are filled with people enjoying their time. In times when it is more than difficult to transfer medicine to the right patient or injured person, mobile drones are the perfect answer covering any long distance or hard-to-reach areas and scenarios.
What started as drones for entertainment evolved to drones used in aerial photography, monitoring races and even landscaping. It was certainly Amazon which created a buzz around drones in delivery and started exploring their potential.
Nowadays, drones are already delivering packages to customers – including in some cases, medical packages, and patients are enjoying the perks.
If the concept of mobile drones seems very futuristic to you and you are asking questions like:
Obviously, there are companies which are developing these aerial vehicles in a very sophisticated way – implementing even more features and solving even more challenges than the ones listed above.
Matternet drone with diagnostics sample | Matternet
The truth is, drones have a massive potential in making the transport of drugs, vaccines or medical aids faster. They can help in many circumstances when time is crucial. These can range from disasters to medical emergencies, urgent responses etc.
However, drones might not only be useful when relief is necessary. They can also help when ambulances are out of reach. For example, they can help in bad road conditions or remote areas – or in cases when patients need urgent access to rare drugs or blood supplies.
So, the uses of medical drones include:
Africa’s first humanitarian drone testing corridor launched in Malawi by Government and UNICEF
Speaking of uses, it is more than important to also mention some of the companies which are pioneering the industry of medical drones, such as:
In the end, medical drones and their possibilities are endless. The technology is above the mentioned regulatory restrictions so far and is yet to be developed and properly regulated. However, its safety, accuracy and speed are the most important points which are saving lives and making the world connected, one drone at a time.