Wake Up Coffee Lovers, IBM Issued Patent for Coffee Delivering Drones

We’ve all been there…

Struggling to keep our mind and body awake after a night out, a night without sleep or just inability to focus and get things done. And if you are like us, you definitely appreciate the smell and taste of freshly-brewed coffee. But you still need to go out there, order it from Starbucks or warm up your espresso machine.

The good news is that this could change very soon. According to a new patent that was issued last week by the technology giant IBM, drones can actually bring you your favorite coffee – right at the time when you need it.

Drones Carrying Coffee Deliveries Is Now A Reality – All Thanks To IBM’s New Patent

Named “Drone delivery of coffee based on a cognitive state of an individual”, this patent will be packed with sensor data and many other indicators which will show when a person is sleepy and give them their favorite cup of coffee.

As the patent also reads, the data will stem from people wearing connected bracelets, watches, cameras or just analysis of past behavior. This will be used by IBM in order to determine the “sleep cycle, bedtime for the last N days, a joint measure of the characteristic for two people (e.g. husband and wife), and current blood pressure, or heart rate.”

Aside from these (obvious) needs, the patent could also be configured with a person’s calendar – and can tailor anyone’s schedule – whenever they need a dose of caffeine to stay alert and focused at work.

‘How Will The Drones Actually Bring The Coffee?’ – You Are Asking Yourself…

If you are wondering how will a flying object known as a drone carry out something so spillable and potentially destroyable as coffee, you are not the only one.

The truth is, drones are very advanced right now. As such, the drone systems could also deliver coffee to an office or other room full of people and dynamically decide who is in need of a little (or more than just a little) caffeine.

Even though the entire patent seems like a strange one for a company of IBM’s caliber, the concept of preemptive delivery is one that seems to be gaining some steam lately. Aside from IBM’s patent, there was another one called Spoon which launched in February and was issued to Amazon for the purpose of predictive restaurant ordering.

Drones Are Changing The World, One Coffee Cup At A Time

It’s the 21st century – and drones carrying coffee cups and delivering them straight to our hands just feels real.

The truth is, this new patent by IBM proves that the world is changing – and technology is continuously designed to comply with our needs. And even though this patent or entire concept may seem a bit too much for you, it could be real (and very helpful) soon.

Coffee, anyone?
