Intel's Falcon 8+ is the benchmark for commercial drones | Intel
The inaugural European Drone Summit is set to become an international platform for drone experts, thanks to technology giant Intel.
EDS2018 will be the first European conference where operators, manufacturers and representatives of the authorities will discuss possible forms of operation and types of operations for professional drone service providers and companies opening up through the new European Aviation Basic Regulation for the unmanned aviation industry.
It’s an incredible opportunity for the drone industry in general, giving experts from across Europe the chance to exchange information with participants at the very first European Drone Summit, due to commence on October 15, 2018 in Frankfurt, Germany.
Michael Wieland from UAV DACH e.V., is the driving force behind EDS2018, and has been instrumental in bringing together some of the most important representatives of unmanned aviation.
“We are extremely proud that a company like Intel has clearly committed itself to the role of gold sponsor and supported the event from the outset. Not to mention that representatives from the European Commission will be answering questions for us on the new EU legislation”, he said in a statement.
Intel is committed on many levels to ES2018, and will be contributing to the global harmonization of regulations as well as digitalization and automation with an international panel of experts.
“We are delighted to welcome high-level experts from various companies in the specialist groups, some of which are also competitors, could win. First-hand experience and solutions from the perspective of international players bring added value for all participants.” adds Wieland.
Intel has set itself the task of convincing through trend-setting innovations and to shape the conditions for the efficient, industrial use of drones sustainable.
Their many recent drone light shows in which they have set and broke several world records, highlight how Intel is constantly redefining and reimagining what is possible with drones.
Intel’s unmanned aerial systems are characterized by power and safety, while proprietary flight planning software and the Intel® Insight Platform cloud-based data analysis platform further enhance quality and efficiency from planning to data analysis.
The Keynote will feature Anil V. Nanduri, Vice President and General Manager of the Drone Group within Intel Corporation, at the European Drone Summit.
Nanduri is a member of the FAA in the Committee on the Regulation of Unmanned Aerial Systems and a member of the NASA Aviation Committee.
Leading the Intel Drone Group and determines its strategic and operational direction, Nanduri has extraordinary insights, expertise and is one of the most influential people in the industry.
Focusing on end-to-end solutions for commercial applications, the Intel® Mission Control flight planning software and cloud solution accelerate the process from capturing accurate data to decision-making based on it.
Intel also offers high quality software and hardware solutions with Intel® Sirius ™ Pro and Intel® Falcon ™ 8+ systems.
Intel® RealSense ™ modules and Intel® Movidius ™ pave the way for artificial intelligence and obstacle avoidance on board drones.
Indoor location and control technology, flight control technology – used for example in the Volocopter – as well as open source systems for researchers and developers complete the Intel portfolio in the unmanned sector.
Intel has proven itself as a pioneer in the drone industry with innovative approaches in the field, such in the recent mission to help preserve the Great Wall of China.
The European Drone Summit will commence in Frankfurt on October 15 until October 18, and aims to briung together professionals from fields from politics and legal, to commerce and industry, in the goal to forge a path for the acceptance and integration of drones in the European region.