Photo: Westpac Little Ripper
Nowadays, there are a lot of drones that operate in search operations during disasters. The development of this technology has been amazing over the past decade – and it is safe to say that the full operation, control and movement of drones is entirely facilitated with the computer enabled programming of the controller.
On the other hand, virtual reality (VR) and artificial intelligence (AI) are also one of the most innovative technologies that we have been victims of in the 21st century. Constantly evolving, the use of VR and AI is expanding as we speak. Fortunately, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) – or drones – can both benefit from these technologies and link to the infrared, thermal and proximity sensors in order to detect human presence and movements in low-light conditions.
In simple words, drones could adopt VR and AI technologies and track movements with special sensors – to transfer the data via GSM/GPS modules which are controlled by a special microchip known as the ARDUINO UNO.
The quadcopter has been one of the most common and popular UAV designs out there. Lifted and propelled by four rotors, the concept of the quadcopter has been used in both commercial and recreational drones.
However, this concept is also rapidly developing. One proof for that is specifically this new system, which aims at making one such quadcopter commercially viable and useful by employing it in search operations and making use of its (integrated) sensors that would detect the presence of survivors and the physical conditions of the affected. In the end, this information would be sent to the rescue officials via GSM/GPS modules.
A quadcopter drone with all the sensors integrated inside would enable quick search operations, increase the rate of (saved) survivors and reduce man power that is required by the conventional disaster management teams. The concept can be operable in low-light conditions too – and is highly effective in search operations.
One paper submitted and published online at the International Conference on Innovations in Information and Communication Technology aims on making this concept a reality. The authors are all students and engineers in colleges in India, and all have plan to transform this concept to a usable technology.
Speaking of usable and useful, the concept would focus on the use of drones fitted with camera in order to capture images of the affected sites under well-lit conditions – and viewed via FPV goggles. The drones would be packed with sensors such as proximity, infrared and thermal sensors in order to deduct survivors. The rescue team, on the other hand, will be able to send the images from the rescue teams via GPS/GSM modules through a digital video recorder for recording.
There is no doubt that a methodology and a concept like this is much needed in today’s society – mostly because of its life-changing benefits and the massive potential that it has in low-light, time-sensitive rescue operations.
Citation: RAMYA, R. et al. Use Of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (Drones) For Search Operations Aiding Disaster Management. International Journal of Research, [S.l.], v. 5, n. 10, p. 40-44, mar. 2018. ISSN 2348-6848. Available at: Date accessed: 02 sep. 2018.