UAVOS Announces ISR-350-5 Unmanned Helicopter
UAVOS Announces ISR-350-5 Unmanned Helicopter
UAVOS and ISR Unmanned Technologies Ltd. has announced that two companies had developed the new unmanned helicopter ISR-350-5 designed for commercial and security operations. The joint project will be manufactured and assembled in the UK. Following extensive research, development and innovation, the new VTOL aircraft introduces improvements to all its systems, from the mechanics to the on-board electronics and the available payloads.
The ISR-350-5 is based on the UVH- 170 UAV developed by UAVOS, a light, single-engine, gasoline-powered helicopter. With a fuel consumption of 2 liters per hour, the UAV is expected to stay airborne for up to 6 hours. The payload of up to 5 kg is intended for survey instruments and radar. In cooperation with English ISR company, UAVOS is also offering a solution for the new medium-sized unmanned helicopter tailored specifically to the requirements of the commercial and civil operations.
The electronics are IP67 rated, allowing the helicopter to operate in harsh environment including a tropical climate.
The unmanned helicopter ISR-350-5 is powered by UAVOS’s autopilot. High level of self-diagnosis of all vehicle’s components allows to achieve maximum flight safety, increase the survivability of the unmanned vehicle.
UAVOS has also worked on payload integration and offers different options covering all types of applications for multiple sectors: from surveillance, inspection, agriculture, mining, to mapping, LIDAR or GIS. UAVOS’s payloads include: gimbals with cameras with day and night vision, up to 30x optical zoom, and high resolution and infrared sensors. UAVOS’s autopilot makes it possible to synchronize the work of a payload and of the onboard telemetry, and the flight task for most aerial applications.
The ISR-350-5 joins our existing family of unmanned helicopters used for commercial and security missions,” said Aliaksei Stratsilatau, UAVOS Chairman of the board and Lead developer. “The partnership with ISR Unmanned Technologies Ltd. creates the opportunity for both companies to explore expanding into new markets and developing new capabilities to meet future customer needs. New ISR-350-5 will be introduced at the largest defense and security exhibition DSEI in London.”
UAVOS Inc., a globally operating company with its offices in Hong Kong, the USA and Europe, has recently raised a round of financing from a group of private investors – in order to further enhance its R&D efforts, reduce the go-to-market time for new solutions and also focus on promotion and commercialization. UAVOS works directly with a number of large customers in different segments. Among UAVOS advanced ready-for-commercialization unmanned technologies is unique High Altitude Pseudo-Satellite (HAPS) ApusDuo, multiplatform autopilot solution for converting manned vehicles of all types into unmanned, and unmanned aerial vehicles aimed to counteract systems of electronic warfare.
The founding member and staff of ISR Unmanned Technologies has a longer history and experience in developing affordable and reliable Unmanned Aerial System. ISR Unmanned Technologies provides industrial grade UAS to the Civil Industry as well as to the Government Organizations. The ISR products are the fine result of a comprehensive research and development process.