Drones Armed with Sensors Fly Through Guatemalan Volcanic Eruption
July 18, 2018Drones can do more than just take aerial pictures, and after the recent explosion of Volcán...
No Joy in Joysticks? Try Driving Drones with Your Torso
July 17, 2018The joys of handling a joystick will soon be less so, given the new immersive technology...
This Marine Drone Does Nothing But Listen to Mediterranean Whalesong
July 16, 2018A sea-going unmanned vehicle is set to spend the Mediterranean summer cruising around listening to whale...
Drones Count Rhinos and Gnus in Namibia
July 11, 2018Fast and accurate, researchers are using drones to count the animals in a wildlife sanctuary in...
Using Unmanned Systems to Better Understand Australia’s Dugong Populations
July 11, 2018Dugongs, rare and elusive creatures that they are, are fascinating creatures that have had some suggesting...