NET GUARD High-Altitude Rescue Drone Concept
The Designboom website has reported on NET GUARD, a novel drone concept entered into the IF DESIGN TALENT AWARD for 2018. The NET GUARD is quite an innovative combination of UAV and cloth net aimed at rescuing people from high-rise or high altitude fire emergencies. The concept is shortlisted in this year’s golden pin concept design award. that has a $13,000 prize.
The Modus operandi can broadly be described as follows: On receiving a distress signal, NET GUARD uses its GPS to pinpoint the location of the fire; it then travels at high altitude to avoid traffic and reach the scene of the emergency as quickly as it can and as it approaches the scene NET GUARD unfolds into four parts with a safety net at the centre.
Designed by a group of 6 students in Guangzhou, china NET GUARD is a high altitude self-driven UAV drone concept. NET GUARD uses its four propellers to travel at high altitudes and catch a person in mid-air. The net is made from a quadruple layer of polyurethane, which is strong enough to hold the weight of an average adult. Sensors keep track of the person as they jump into the net, positioning the drone to catch them.
A look at a few of the concept images are impressive and justify the NET GUARD being shortlisted for the design award.
An encouraging jury statement declares, ‘NET GUARD is a rescue system that takes the jumping net directly to the people. The technical implementation still needs work with the help of engineers, but the idea has the potential to support the fire brigade with the help of a flying carpet. It has a high societal value. If possible, the mesh should be non-transparent to facilitate the access.’
“As a person who deeply loves design, winning the IF DESIGN TALENT AWARD is greatly encouraging. I will keep going and keep pushing to become a better designer.” reads the Winner Statement.
Once developed further, Net Guard has the potential to become a lifesaving mechanism in high altitude crises management.