ABRIS Design Reveals FLying Intelligent Robotic Tool (FLIRT)
ABRIS Design Group of Ukraine has been providing products and services in light and ultra-light aviation, aerial mapping, and land monitoring for over twenty years. ABRIS DG Lead engineer Vadim Kolesnichenko revealed its latest product the FLIRT and its distinguishing characteristics that make it better choice than other tools for aerial mapping.
While ABRIS DG solutions allow users to obtain high-quality photographic material, which can be used for mapping or precision agriculture the additional advantages are high standards of shooting quality, high productivity of their systems, minimal costs and simple preparation.
The main idea of the FLIRT system is to bring the quality and performance of classic manned aerial photography systems to unmanned aerial systems. The FLIRT Cetus is aimed to obtain initially high-quality and well-oriented images. It is used for carriage of a full frame camera for a long time missions up to 3 hours each. The FLIRT Arrow is a lighter version of the FLIRT Cetus with narrowed fuselage, making it capable for hand launch. The FLIRT Iron is a metal version of the Flirt Cetus and was designed for agricultural applications.


The FLIRT planes can be easily adapted or supplemented by the user to take on a new task. Despite the complexity of the FLIRT design, its modularity allows for repair by the user.
The FlightPlanner software of the FLIRT interactively takes into account the features of the airplane, the camera, the lens, the actual weather in the region of the flight and the terrain. It allows users to plan a mission easily and optimally right before the flight. The inbuilt LuckyLaunch catapult system guarantees 100% successful aircraft take off in winter and summer conditions, and also in valleys and highlands. It is also scalable and suitable for launching with other aircrafts as Skywalker X-8, Trimble/Delair UX-5.
The LuckyBeak parachute system ensures safe landing in any eventuality of crisis. The FLIRT planes powerful batteries and good aerodynamics give it the ability to capture a large area during one flight. A wide range of operating flight speeds (from 60 to 100 km / h) allows the system to operate even in a strong wind. The other salient features of the FLIRT include exceptional stability in flight, easily changeable cameras in special cartridges, gyro stabilized cameras gimbal, automatic drift angle compensation system, durable hull composite construction additionally protected with the system of dampers, compatible with Pix4D, Agisoft Photoscan, Menci Software or other image processing software solutions and small size area for takeoff and landing.
These features were put to test in the mountainous regions of Turkey, and the sortie was declared successful. The FLIRT system had to simultaneously deal with rarefied air in high-altitude conditions (over 2000m), extremely high temperatures (up to 45 degrees C in the shade), extremely difficult terrain for launching and shooting, and unpropitious conditions for landing, because of plenty rocks and stones. As a result of this experience, ABRIS DG team has created a special custom version of aircraft for mountainous hot regions.